Mid Calder Camera Club
The club has been in existence since the early 1980's in various locations within Mid Calder. The club was started by Ken Dunn an Irishman who lived in the village at the time.
The first premises the club used was The Community Centre in School Lane, Mid Calder. Here the club met every fortnight in various rooms within the Centre until the centre closed in the 1990's when the Community Centre moved into the Institute Hall in Market Street. At that time however space was limited and the club had to meet in Cunnigar House, a sheltered housing complex in the village. Here the club met for a number of years in the main lounge of the building. When space became available within The Institute Hall in the early 2000's the club moved in there.
Soon after moving the club decided to meet every week as up until then the club met fortnightly. The club has continued to grow and meets every Wednesday night from September to May from 7.30pm to 9.45 pm.
Where do we meet?
The club meets in the upstairs floor of The Institute Hall in Market Street, Mid Calder on a Wednesday night at 7.30pm from September to May.
What do we do?
Our syllabus is varied and is geared up to cater for everyone interested in taking pictures whether a complete novice or expert. See our syllabus page for further details.
How much does it cost?
To join the club it will cost £30 per year per member (Sept to Aug). This includes your membership fee to the Community Centre and your affiliation fee to the Scottish Photographic Federation. For every meeting you attend it will cost £3.00 per member. This includes a coffee or tea and a biscuit. Concessions are available by applying in writing to the MCCC Membership Secretary.